Leila Sidhu
Leila Sidhu
Year: Freshman
Hometown: Rocklin, California
High School: Del Oro High School

Leila is from California where she attended Del Oro High School in Rocklin.  While she was on her HS school team, they were 4-time section champs, master champions and runners up. individually she was a 2-time state qualifier, 2-time All American, section champion. and she won 2nd place in masters.  Also, educationally while in High school, Leila graduated Magna Cum Laude, with the highest CSF honors.  while she is  at Umpqua she is planning on studying either business or criminal justice with the goal of possibly working for the FBI.  In her free time, she enjoys hiking, outdoor activities, painting, eating food. and watching videos on social media. Some of the people that Leila looks up, to include professional athlete, Hellen Maroulis and Mike Maben who helped support her in High School.